Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is everywhere. According to Medium, “A good ranking in search engines means higher traffic on your website and also a greater exposure of your product or service to potential customers.” Good business relies on getting found and the right keywords, content and ranking can get you there.
Translating for the World
When a company publishes content, keywords are important to get the attention of those who are searching for what the company has to offer. Things can get sketchy, however, when it comes to publishing the content in a foreign country. This is where translation must get down to business. It’s not enough to simply translate a keyword form the original language to the next: “When translating titles, tags, meta tags, and keywords to another language, you must take into account several cultural factors that may influence the effectiveness of your campaigns.” This means understanding that culture is more than just a word.
Expanding to new markets means not only translating your website and other content, it means translating for SEO. Those are the three little words that help your business rank higher in search engine results and it takes a good translator to know what keywords people are looking for in the culture and language your business is targeting.
According to Upwork, “Search engines are becoming increasingly local. This means that no matter how great your SEO is at home, if you aren’t localizing your content, your SERP ranking will fall.” The product and service might be the same no matter where you are in the world, but how people are searching for them in Canada might be different from how they’re searching for them in Germany.
Understanding What They See
Even if your potential customers find you—or your website—they won’t be able to use your services or purchase your product if they don’t understand what they see. Upwork says that “as much as 87% of consumers who can’t read English won’t buy products from an English website.” Translate what they see into something that they can understand and you’ll begin to build brand awareness and trust. After all, adapting to each and every local audience will bring more people to the table for different reasons, but in the end, they’ll all recognize who you are.
Our SEO translation services can help with websites, SEO and keyword terminology that are specific to the audience you are trying to convert. Our translators not only know the language, they know the business of writing for the Internet and social media. They know symbols, references and how to optimize integration of your content. Plus, they are familiar with the culture you’re targeting. Internet and mobile content is the direction in which the world is heading, so stick with a translation company that’s going in the same direction. Contact us to find out how we can help you with content and SEO translation.