The field of dentistry has been transforming over the last 30 years or so. Read on to learn how ITC Translations, a translation agency specialized in dentistry, can help you better communicate with your target audiences.
New procedures and devices are being researched and developed all the time for a global population that wants and needs healthy teeth. In order for this to happen though, experienced dentistry translators must be used to ensure that all of the parties involved at every stage can understand each other and share information successfully.
Localization of your content by a professional translation company like ITC Translations will ensure that you’re communicating with your audience in ways you both clearly understand. To illustrate just how important localization services are, think about choosing a logo as an example. What if you’re using a symbol on your dental office website or on your product’s packaging that is fine in many countries but means something disrespectful in another? Having a company like ITC Translations localize your content will catch this and help you find a better option that will reach across the cultures you’re working within more effectively.
The same holds true for the wording you choose in your content. Each culture uses different idioms and you need to be certain you’re saying what you mean in each language for the success of any type of dental project.
ITC Global is HIPAA compliant.
ITC Translations USA, Inc. staff are trained, tested and certified on this important legislation and we provide 100% compliant services that fulfil the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Nothing is too technical or advanced for the dental translators at ITC Translations. Our network of professional translators is well prepared to deliver quality translations of all your specialized dental content in the most efficient way possible. Our linguists can do more than translate your content: we also offer localization services to create content that matches cultural norms in the region you’re targeting.
Our dental translators have access to a range of translation tools to help them create accurate glossaries and translation memories. These tools are then used to produce high-quality translations that follow your terminology preferences. To be sure we’re using the most up-to-date resources to translate your content, we work with SDL, a global leader in translation technology. This way, we’re always up to speed on the latest developments within the translation industry so you can be, as well.
The experienced dentistry translators we assign to your projects are qualified in the field as well as in the target language to ensure that all the information is accurately conveyed to the people you want to communicate with. Otherwise, your dentistry materials could create misunderstandings that compromise your success.
As you can imagine, translating and localizing your content requires a lot of skill. With this in mind, it’s important to consider the benefits of choosing a company like ITC Translations that can handle all of your needs. Because we can translate any type of dental content you have into a wide range of languages, we can complete your entire project. This allows us to provide you with a level of continuity that’s not possible with any other process. You’ll enjoy more reliable translations, clearer communication between you and your audience, a faster turnaround time on your translation and localization projects, and more. There’s no reason to piece things together. Having the reliability of one company that can meet all your needs is priceless and ITC Translations is prepared to do exactly this.
Looking for a translation agency specialized in dentistry?
Speak the language of your customers, prospects, partners, and employees around the world with ITC Global’s full suite of solutions powered by our unique blend of talent and technology. Every language solution you need, from translation to AI technology. Tailored to you. All in one place.