3 Reasons Why Professional LSPs Can Benefit You

Are you a business or brand? Do you sell products or services? Do you sell them internationally? If you answered YES to these questions, you’re a prime contender for Professional Translation Services.

You’re probably well aware that many companies use nothing more than an advanced MS Word application, delegating much of their translation needs to an in-house staff member who is bilingual. While this is fine, we here at ITC Global want to enlighten you as to why you should make the investment in professional Linguistic Services and how it can boost your image and your brand.

1. They’ve Got The Right Tools

A professional LSP will have the best access to a number of tools that will allow them to manage your translation needs and projects. The benefits here are big. One such example is that, with these tools in place, you and your LSP can start building translation memories for future projects. And you will want to keep your LSP around for future work. As a result, long-term costs see major cuts. Translation memories make it so that your new, future projects are scanned for a translation match. If they should be found, previously translated content is reused, minimizing costs and supplementing language consistency for your team’s projects.

2. Experience, Experience, Experience

When you partner with a Pro-LSP, you benefit from their experience. Your seasoned LSP will have worked with companies similar to yours, or projects like the one you have on hand and need to be translated. There are several things experienced Language Service Providers can do for you that others cannot: – Avoid common low-points or mistakes – Aid you in mapping out your internationalization strategies – Assist you with the marketing of the digital sort within foreign market scales There is no substitute for experience.

3. LSP Agencies Have A Pool Of Professionals

As your business or brand grows and expands, so will your translation needs. As the international market needs change, so too will your translation needs. No matter what, you want to be prepared for this. Therefore, if your translation operations take place in-house, there’s always a possibility that translation jobs will get placed at the bottom of the to-do list.

An LSP Agency will have on-going access to a large group of professional translators and linguists that can be set to work for you as your needs increase. Consider that, on occasion, you may find yourself in need of an lSP that can commit to an “emergency project.” It has been known to happen. With an agency like ITC Global on hand, your projects won’t fall by the wayside.

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