Attract more customers with messages that resonate with your target audience using transcreation services from ITC Global.
ITC Global offers a full suite of language and content management services. To help you choose the right services, our team of language experts will analyze your project and strategy, then recommend the best option for your objectives, project requirements, and budget.
Transcreation is a fully custom option that combines translation and content creation to adapt a message from one language and culture to another. It tailors your communication to your audience so it has the impact and results you expect. ITC Global is your cultural consultant and guide, explaining when and why projects need to be adapted for a different market.
English (Source)
A perfume is a mixture. A mixture like miscellanea that clash between words and materials to explain just a little, without explaining too much, the why of a perfume. Frustration.
French (Translation)
Un parfum est un mélange. À la manière des miscellanées qui mélangent les mots et les matières, les parfums mélangent des ingrédients pour révéler leur raison d’être sans en dire trop. Frustration.
French (Transcreation)
Sauriez-vous définir le concept du parfum ? Ou peut-être connaissez-vous les miscellanées ? Un parfum est un mélange qui regroupe plusieurs substances, à la manière des miscellanées, ces recueils d’écrits des XVIe et XVIIe siècles, qui mélangent les mots et les matières. Le mélange du parfum explique sa raison d’être tout en restant discret… Il ne faut pas en dire trop ! Frustration.
French (Source)
Bonjour [M/MMe NOM de contact],
Je suis [Prénom Nom] de [Entreprise].
Nous produisons depuis plus de 30 ans des machines à découpe pour le secteur industriel et au vu de vos responsabilités, je pense que le sujet vous intéresse.
Nos outils nouvelle génération, faciles d’utilisation et dotés de hautes capacités, permettent de réduire significativement le temps de découpe et les dépenses énergétiques. La qualité du matériel de production est-elle un enjeu pour vous en ce moment ?
Je serai ravie d’échanger avec vous mardi prochain à 10h (ou jeudi à 14h) pour évoquer ensemble votre parc machines et vos besoins précis en la matière ?
Dans l’attente de vos disponibilités, je me tiens à votre écoute et vous souhaite une belle journée.
English (MT+Post-editing)
Hello [Mr./Mrs. Contact last name],
I’m [First Name Last Name] from [Company].
We’ve been producing cutting machines for the industrial sector for over 30 years, and given your responsibilities, I think you’d be interested in this subject.
Our new-generation, easy-to-use, high-capacity tools significantly reduce cutting time and energy costs. Is the quality of production equipment an issue for you at the moment?
I’d be delighted to talk to you next Tuesday at 10 a.m. (or Thursday at 2 p.m.) about your machinery and your specific needs in this area.
I look forward to hearing from you and wish you a pleasant day.
U.S. English (Transcreation)
Hello [Contact first name],
Has your production equipment been giving you headaches lately?
If you’re ready to improve uptime and reduce cutting times and energy costs, our high-capacity, state-of-the-art tools may be the solution.
We’ve been manufacturing industrial cutting machines for more than 30 years, so we know what it takes to build in the quality you expect.
Would you be available next Tuesday at 10 a.m. (or Thursday at 2 p.m.) to talk about your current machines and how our equipment could help production run smoother?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Transcreation is a specialized service that combines translation and content creation. The transcreator considers the target culture and adapts the content so that it has the same impact as in the source culture. This requires a creative brief from the client, expert knowledge of the source and target culture and language, substantial research, and expertise in communication, marketing, and advertising in the target culture.
Localization focuses on adapting technical aspects of content, such as spelling, measurements, currency, data formats, website links, text in images, and document layout to accommodate text expansion or contraction.
Transcreation focuses on recreating the message and intended impact of the source content. This means the words, tone, and visuals may be very different from the original.
At ITC Global, we review your content and determine the best transcreation level based on our source text analysis and your project objectives
A source text analysis is completed by an expert translator fluent in the source and target languages. They analyze the content to determine which parts require transcreation or additional research. They flag issues that may require adaptation, such as names, legal systems, idioms, specific cultural references and more.
A single project may require various services and source text analysis allows us to identify the right ones to meet your objectives. For instance, a website could contain slogans or landing pages that require transcreation, product descriptions that need standard translation, as well as Terms and Conditions where machine translation could be used.
Speak the language of your customers, prospects, partners, and employees around the world with ITC Global’s full suite of solutions powered by our unique blend of talent and technology. Every language solution you need, from translation to AI technology.
Tailored to you. All in one place.
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