Just like last year, ITC Global is again supporting Entrepreneurs du Monde by editing their annual report.
What is “Entrepreneurs du Monde”?

Entrepreneurs du Monde, founded in 1998, is a French “public interest association” that works with vulnerable populations in 11 countries (Burkina Faso, Cambodia, France, Guinea, Ghana, Haiti, Myanmar, Philippines, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo and Vietnam). The organization empowers thousands of women and men living in extremely difficult circumstances to improve their living conditions by supporting their own entrepreneurial ventures and giving them access to products that can bring significant health, economic and environmental benefits. Entrepreneurs du Monde helps these people create the conditions they need to become successful, and in turn make economic and social progress.
To fulfill its mission, Entrepreneurs du Monde promotes development of local social enterprises in three areas: social microfinance, support for very small businesses, and access to energy. The NGO incubates these structures by setting up a local team and providing support until the business becomes operationally and financially independent.
Objective: local empowerment and sustainable action!
Entrepreneurs du monde in 2018
- 11 focus counstries
- 20 programs in incubation
- 808 employees on local contrats
- 8 social enterprises that have become independent
- 164 322 beneficiaries
- 85% women
ITC Global supports Entrepreneurs du Monde because we believe in the important work this organization does. We also support other organizations such as Docteur Clown, which brings laughter to hospitalized children.
If you want to join us in supporting Entrepreneurs du Monde, please donate now at https://don.entrepreneursdumonde.org/don-en. The motto of Entrepreneurs du Monde is “With next to nothing, change practically everything!” For example, with a donation of €50, the organization supports an entrepreneur in Africa, Asia or Haiti for five months. And for donors in France, 66 percent of your donation amount can be deducted from your income tax.