Speaking one language is a basic human need, but speaking more than one opens a new world of possibilities. As we grow up, we learn to master the language(s) of our culture(s), but the older we get, the more options we discover for expanding our voice and being multilingual.
Many education systems around the world not only offer students the option to learn a second language, they mandate it. From Spanish to French to Italian, students of today are able to benefit by being bilingual. And with so many bilingual families in the world, parents and grandparents are passing their language and culture to the younger generation.
Languages Spoken Around The World
Take a look around the world and youâll find that more than half of the population speaks at least two languages, with some estimates putting the figure at 60 to 75 percent (BBC). Many countries have more than one official national language, so the more you know, the more youâll understand whatâs going on around you. When you realize the benefits of knowing how to say hello in more ways than one, youâll understand that the work you put in is well worth what youâll get out. Here are some important things you should know about being multilingual.

Itâs better for your brain.
Being multilingual actually changes your brain structure, and this can help you in multiple ways. It improves your memory, helps you process information better, and helps with multitasking skills. But the biggest brain benefit is that speaking multiple languages can actually delay the effects of dementia by âan average of 5 yearsâ (BBC).
It opens up your travel opportunities.
Take a trip overseas and youâll likely need a tour guide to get you from place to place. This might hinder you from going to a place youâve only dreamed about going. But, if you could speak the native tongue, you could ask just about anyone where to go, what to do, and how to get there.
It expands your employment opportunities.
Businesses today look for people who are bilingual or multilingual due to the diversity in todayâs population. Some companies are globally operated and hiring a person who knows many languages can give them an edge when it comes to direct sales. Social workers and school teachers who are multilingual can make a world of difference to those who are new to the country. At ITC, we have over 1500 professional translators who have added specialized training and experience to their multilingualism, acquiring the expertise needed to provide translation in many industries, from legal documents to tourism and marketing. Explore the many language combinations we offer and request your no-obligation quote today.